You will find the detailed steps to create and change signature in Outlook, add a signature to all outgoing emails automatically and insert it into a message manually. Talk to the folks in your IT department to see if there is a way around this policy.This tutorial explains different aspects of Outlook signature. Their changes overwrite any changes you make. If you’re using Outlook within a corporate environment, your IT department may be setting your signature for you. I set my signature, but it keeps changing.
Set the signature you would like to use, then tap Done or Save. Select the account you are using, then choose Signature. Select the settings gear ⚙️ at the bottom of the left pane. Open the Outlook app, then select the Outlook icon located at the upper-left corner. Under Choose default signature, set the account and signature name you wish to use. Open Signatures, then choose which signature you wish to edit.
In Outlook, select Outlook > Preferences. Check the “ Automatically include my signature on messages I send” box if desired. Set your signature under the “ Email Signature” section. Select the gear icon in the upper-right corner, then choose “ Options“. Under Signature, type your signature the way you’d like it to look. Select Email in the left pane, then choose Compose and reply. While logged into Outlook, select the settings gear ⚙️ located at the upper-right corner. Your signature will automatically be added to the bottom of your email messages. Click “ OK“, then “ OK” again and you’re done.
In the “ Edit signature” area, write the signature just as you would like it to appear in your messages. Also select the name of the signature in the “ New messages” and/or “ Replies/forwards” fields as desired.
Under the “ Choose default signature” area, select the “ E-mail account” you wish to apply the signature to. Select “ Mail” on the left, then click “ Signatures…”. In Outlook, select “ File“ > “ Options“.